Our 501(c)(4) non-profit supports on-going activities at the Sawyer Point site. There are also benefits of membership, as shown below. Ready to become a part of this group? Dues are $50 for the fiscal year through June 30th.
Our Partners
$35 monthly parking for members at the Sawyer Point parking lot
Members receive 10% discount on their bill at the Boathouse location after presenting their Member ID.
Excess funds contribute to the long-term support for Sawyer Point via the endowment.
Membership Benefits
Ability to RESERVE and utilize the ball machine either as an individual or as part of a member group​​
Participation in any “members-only” ladders, leagues, or tournaments
Right to run for board positions or to be a committee member
Receive special member discounts
As a 501(c)(4), membership fees are not tax-deductible, but are used for the benefit of the membership and facility.