Please review this list of Frequently Asked Questions before sending an email or calling. All of these questions are well covered on our website, so please take a minute to look around. If you can't find what you are looking for, you may send us an email at: Info@PBatSP.com
How do I join the email list?
You can join our email list by filling out the form at the bottom of any page on our website.
What hours are the courts open to the public?
Courts are open to the public from 8 AM to 10 PM daily from March till December. Group Play hours (where anyone can join in on pick-up games) are 8-Noon and 5-10 PM M-F and 8-12 Sat-Sun.
I have a group of friends who are interested in playing together. Can we do that?
Yes, there are many ways to play Pickleball together at Sawyer Point. See the Group Play link for additional information.
Can I reserve court(s) for a few hours?
Courts cannot be reserved unless it is a Cincinnati Parks approved event.
Will you offer lessons for folks that are not beginners but need help?
We have a ball machine that our members can utilize with the help of our Ball Machine Coaches to work on specific parts of their game. You must be a member to use the ball machine. We may also periodically have clinics and drills. More to come on player development.
I am new to pickleball. Is there someone I can speak with to learn more about playing at Sawyer Point?
If you are brand new to pickleball, sign up for a New Player lesson via our website. If you have played before but would like to understand how things work at Sawyer Point, come down during Group Play hours and talk to one of our Ambassadors (with Red name badges).
What is the cost to play on the courts?
There is no cost to play on the courts. Sawyer Point is free and open to all. If you are a regular player, you might consider becoming a Member of Pickleball at Sawyer Point to support the facility and have access to additional benefits. Please see the Membership link.
Can I take a private lesson at Sawyer Point?
No. While there are many opportunities for professional teaching or coaching in the Cincinnati area, anything offered at Sawyer Point must be a Cincinnati Parks approved event.
Can I park at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse?
The Montgomery Inn Boathouse is OK with our pickleball players parking in their lot only when they are not open. The boathouse is closed on Monday, opens at 4 pm Tuesday through Friday, and opens at 3 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Please respect their wishes.
How do I use the ball machine?
Members can reserve the ball machine from the Player Development page. If you aren't a member, please consider joining Pickleball at Sawyer Point.
What's the difference between Pickleball at Sawyer Point and the Cincinnati Pickleball Club?
Pickleball at Sawyer Point is a 501(C)(4) non-profit that provides the public an outstanding pickleball facility (Sawyer Point Pickleball and Tennis Courts) for players of all skill levels. Pickleball at Sawyer Point is solely focused on enhancing the pickleball experience at Sawyer Point. Cincinnati Pickleball Club facilitates the growth of pickleball in the greater Cincinnati area - via partnership, volunteerism, pickleball lessons, and innovative thinking in order to meet the needs of all Cincinnati players.
How do I find out what's going on?
Our primary form of communication is our website. We also have large communities on our Facebook Group Page and TeamReach app.
1) Download TeamReach from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
2) Enter the Group Code PBATSP
How do I join the TeamReach app?
1) Download TeamReach from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
2) Enter the Group Code PBATSP
Are the courts lighted? Or do they close at dusk like a regular park?
The courts have new state-of-the-art energy saving LED lights with new controls. The lights are controlled by a bank of timers in the north tunnel next to the stadium seating. Each of the 4 timers can be turned on by anyone who is playing in the evening. Lights can be turned on 45 minutes before sunset and automatically shut off at 10 pm each night when the park closes.
Can I take more than one free lesson?
New Player training is focused on learning the rules and basic strategy for play. If after the lesson, you feel you need additional help please discuss this with your instructor or an Ambassador. Many people are willing to help new players.
Do I need a paddle and ball for New Player training?
No, we have loaner paddles (supplied by Baddle Paddle) for use during New Player Lessons.
Do I need to have my own balls for Open or Group Play?
Yes. We usually have balls for sale for the convenience of players.
What is the cost to use the ball machine?
The ball machine is free to use if you are a member of Pickleball at Sawyer Point. We have Ball Machine Coaches who manage the machine for our members.
Why should I join Pickleball at Sawyer Point?
In addition to supporting the Sawyer Point Club - members enjoy benefits such as ball machine use, member-only leagues and activities, USA Pickleball excess accident insurance, and discounts with our partners.